Saturday was a weird day for me. I was supposed to wake up early and hit the gym so I could get in my three miles for training. Instead, I managed to oversleep by TWO whole hours. Lately I've been having the hardest time waking up. It doesn't matter if I've been out for four hours or ten. It's a struggle. But I went about my business and got ready for work. I wore my current favorite dress , a recent arrival at the store. I was feeling pretty cute, if I do say so myself. I felt like Elle Woods. During my shift I had my fair share of weird/problematic customers, like the woman who handed me a receipt then said, "Oh whoops, that has blood on it." Like, real human blood you guys! A concerning amount of blood! I refused to complete the return. (Just kidding. I carried on as usual, just highly grossed out.) When I finally got off at 8, I hopped the L train to the gym. And when I got to Planet Fitness... it was closed. Why a gym would choose to be open 2...
Guys. GUYS. Picture it. Last Thursday, I'm at the gym. I'm running on the treadmill. Suddenly a text pops up on my phone from my friend Ashlyn: "Whatcha doing tonight?" followed almost immediately by a screen shot. In fact, this screenshot. Cue my yelling nonsense words at Jess, who was on the treadmill next to me and desperately trying to stop my own machine, less I trip and end up in the ER, thus throwing away my shot. When I finally gathered my wits, I tested her back, super cool and casual, that YES OH MY GOD I WOULD LOVE TO GO THANK YOU!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍 It's so fitting that she happened to win the Hamilton lottery. When we had gone for drinks just a week earlier, we had spoken about how desperately we wanted to see Hamilton. She even mentioned this article at Timeout about the odds of winning. We had each sighed, resigned that if we ever got the chance, it was probably years off. LITTLE DID WE KNOW. Cut to six hours later. We got $5 frozen drin...