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District Contest

Yesterday we went back to White Deer yesterday for District. We performed first, which is definitely my favorite time slot to perform in. We got on the stage and put on a good show, but our timing was a little off. Well, after us performed West Texas, who had moved on with us, then Claude who performed a play called "The Curious Savage". They were good, but I personally felt that they could have done more with their characters. Last was Panhandle, who did "A Midsummer Night's Jersey" which is just like it sounds: Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream" set in Jersey Shore. I absolutely hated it. It was a complete mockery of theatre. Yuck.

At the critique, Taylor, who plays my mother, was awarded Honorable Mention. Then Katy, Victor and I were awarded All Star Cast. Then, (of course) Adrian was awarded Best Actor. However, we were all very surprised when a girl from Panhandle (The Jersey play) got Best Actress. Did this mean it would be us and Panhandle moving on? You could generally predict by the Best actor and actress. But when they called the advancing plays it was.... West Texas and us. Whew! That's who we also thought should have moved on.
Adrian and I took a picture together, but then my mother dropped her phone in the toilet, so that photo has forever been lost to the sewage gods.

We will compete at Area at Randall High School April 11th. So.. If you happen to be near us, come watch! We will be performing either 4th or 6th. Hopefully we will move on to Regionals!!!


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